Mohamed Mezghani

Welcome and thank you for visiting my website!

I am pleased to introduce the professional experience and capabilities I have developed over more than 20 years in the field of urban mobility and public transport.

I started my career in 1989 and since then I have been continuously working in an international context and multicultural environment on projects, studies and initiatives taking place and/or covering the European Union, Eastern and Central Europe, the Middle-East and Africa. Moreover, I had the opportunity to travel several times to Asia for professional assignments.

My main fields of expertise are:

  • Institutional organisation and regulatory framework of public transport
  • Integrated urban mobility policies
  • Relationships between public transport stakeholders
  • Public transport advocacy and promotion

My experience covers a variety of services including:

  • Management responsibilities
  • Training
  • Tender documents and evaluation
  • Studies
  • Technical assistance

Enjoy the visit and feel free to contact me for further information.
Mohamed Mezghani